Oct 01 2018
Data Analytics

Analytics Measurably Boosts Care at Catholic Health Initiatives [#Infographic]

Standardizing data and analytics tools has been key to improving patient outcomes.

What’s the value in data? For one healthcare organization, data is driving better patient outcomes in very real — and measurable — ways.

With the aim of transitioning to a data-driven health system, Jim Reichert, vice president of clinical analytics of Catholic Health Initiatives in Englewood, Colo., has established a data-governance structure and standardized analytics tools to mine data from the organization’s robust data stores. Using these tools, Reichert and his team were able to build out monthly reports that track 23 metrics of care, as well as patient satisfaction and engagement, and then measure those against several standard benchmarks.

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Over the past three years, the efforts have worked, and rates of several of these metrics have fallen, with the hospital seeing reduced heart failure mortality and post-operative hip fractures, among other improvements.

While Reichert tells HealthTech that the organization is still looking to improve, aiming to reach the “75th percentile for our quality, safety and patient experience measures against those data sources,” the current statistics are still impressive.

Check out how the rates of several metrics have fallen from 2014 to March of 2018:


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