Building a smart hospital requires more than the latest technologies. Healthcare leaders share their perspectives for a harmonious care ecosystem.
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Team Player

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Meera Udayakumar sifts through the hype around artificial intelligence-powered solutions in healthcare.

Product Review

Shelter from the Storm

Seamlessly protect applications, users, clouds and medical devices operating within healthcare environments with Palo Alto Networks’ Prisma Access.

Product Review

Trusty Sidekick

This Honeywell enterprise-grade mobile device creates workflow efficiency and improves clinical experiences.


Cloud Connections

Though cloud integrations require health systems to change, leaders should embrace transformation, not fear it.

Get Smart

Major Lessons

Rural healthcare systems already face budgeting and staffing concerns. Cybersecurity is a major area where they need stronger support.

Security Save

Cover Your Bases

As interest in at-home acute care programs continues to grow, healthcare organizations need to take the security of these services seriously.

Tech Tips

Out of the Shadows

It’s not uncommon for employees to find IT work-arounds. Here’s how IT teams can keep an eye on potential security risks.

IT Futurist

Open Access

As specialized digital health solutions widen their reach, virtual menopause care is finding more ground. 

FAQ Five

In Context

Two healthcare and life sciences attorneys dive deeper into what the recent growth of generative artificial intelligence tools means for providers and patients.



Eyes Wide Open

Hospitals are turning to the analytics and computer vision capabilities of video surveillance systems to improve physical safety.


On the Go

Specialists continue to transform telehealth to provide more accessible and personalized care.


Tools of the Trade

Healthcare organizations are expanding their digital connections to boost patient engagement and improve the care experience.


Home Improvement

A federal waiver during the public health emergency allowed many healthcare organizations to stand up services that ultimately improved patient outcomes.


Letter From the Editor

Completely Guarded

Cybersecurity and physical security are more connected than organizations may realize, so security strategies must take a more comprehensive approach.

Contributor Column

Now Boarding

How can platform engineering help healthcare organizations remain agile and improve their DevOps workflows and results?

Contributor Column

Growing Pains

Healthcare needs to do a better job of safeguarding electronic protected health information. Artificial intelligence-powered platforms are key.