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Sep 06 2024

Demystifying App Modernization Journeys for Healthcare

An application modernization process may seem daunting for healthcare organizations, but providers share learnings from their own programs.

Healthcare organizations are all too familiar with legacy applications, especially in a connected environment with devices that may rely on outdated systems or processes. A certain amount of technical debt is a reality for many organizations, but too much of it — stemming from constantly delayed maintenance and upgrades — will eventually impact operations.

IT teams know this, and 95 percent of key IT decision-makers, back-end developers and software architects believe that application modernization is essential for their organization’s success, according to a June 2024 Red Hat report, “The state of application modernization.” The top three reasons organizations are modernizing are to improve security, increase reliability and increase scalability, the report notes.

For healthcare providers, embarking on an app modernization process may seem overwhelming. But for organizations that have already started on a digital transformation journey, such a process may be within reach simply by optimizing applications that already exist in the tech stack.

“More than ever, digital transformation is about business outcomes, not technology,” write CDW leaders in a recent white paper, “Accelerating Velocity Through Legacy Application Modernization.”

Click the banner below to learn how Amedisys took control of remote management with Intel vPro.


Enhance Existing Healthcare Devices

Healthcare IT decision-makers will want to read our main feature story, “How Home Healthcare Providers Find Success with App Modernization,” to learn directly from providers who have experience with app modernization.

National home healthcare provider Amedisys modernized its remote device management capabilities with Intel’s vPro platform, which just needed to be activated on laptops the organization already owned. Having the ability to optimize existing devices not only saved money but also boosted efficiency and improved security.

“If a device is not encrypted, which is mandatory in healthcare, we can use vPro to resolve it without interrupting the user,” says Ed Lewis, manager of enterprise systems at Amedisys.

App modernization is not a solitary process. Healthcare organizations can absolutely find the support they need to make the necessary changes to deliver high-quality patient care.

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