Nov 08 2021

How to Keep Optimization at the Forefront of Your Cloud Environment

Use a cohesive, long-term strategy to guide adoption and avoid unwieldy experiences.

Cloud-based solutions and a multicloud environment have become well-known features as healthcare systems across the U.S. continue their digital transformation journeys.

Nearly 95 percent of healthcare IT leaders say a hybrid cloud approach is their ideal operating model, according to a 2020 Nutanix report. More than half say they’ve expanded their public cloud and hybrid cloud use because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and nearly half have invested more in private cloud environments.

It’s easy to see why cloud adoption has taken off in healthcare as part of digital transformation: Hospitals can improve patient care, lower costs and enhance workflows across the organization. More than 50 percent of healthcare IT workloads are deployed in the cloud, according to 2020 Frost & Sullivan research.

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However, cloud adoption can become unwieldy if healthcare organizations don’t have a long-term, overarching strategy to guide them. Organizations often take a case-by-case approach to their multicloud environments, which can lead to cost overruns, unnecessary complications and insufficient performance.

To ensure that healthcare systems have a cloud environment that helps instead of hinders them, IT leaders need a more cohesive, deliberate approach that evolves digital transformation as foundational to an organization’s present and future.

Establish Clear Goals in Cloud Migration Planning

Healthcare systems can set themselves up for success when they take a digital-first approach rather than tacking on solutions to a confused mosaic of operations.

The pandemic highlighted the need for stronger virtual care services, making options such as video doctor’s visits a necessary form of care delivery rather than just a nice-to-have option. Cloud adoption can support expanded virtual care services, so healthcare systems that want to explore hybrid care delivery models should plan accordingly, beyond the immediate health crisis.

Or maybe a healthcare organization wants to increase efficiency. Pennsylvania-based Geisinger, for example, is trying to avoid a “lift and shift” approach as it maps out its cloud migration, to prevent transferring inefficiencies to the cloud.

DOWNLOAD THE WHITE PAPER: Find out why security should play an important role cloud adoption.

Seek Partnerships for Successful Cloud Adoption

Healthcare organizations don’t have to undergo their cloud journeys alone. A strategic partnership can help in the planning stage, the adoption and integration stages, and the managing stage, optimizing costs and providing expertise without burdening an already overworked in-house IT team.

For multicloud environments that include numerous vendors and myriad resources, a partner with strong cloud vendor relationships can help assess existing environments, recommend enhancements to security and performance, solve business problems and offer management services.

With an ideal partnership, healthcare IT teams can focus on their day-to-day tasks and still feel secure in their cloud environments, even if they don’t have the necessary expertise.

Cloud environments have become a key feature in digital transformation, especially in healthcare. As organizations manage massive streams of data, deploy emerging technologies that rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning, respond to health crises, work to lessen clinician burnout and aim to provide the best patient care, cloud-based approaches are essential.

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