
See How Your Peers Are Moving Forward in the Cloud

New research from CDW can help you build on your success and take the next step.

Dec 28 2016

Bridging the Gap Between Patients and Healthcare Providers

The right mix of technologies can enhance the patient experience and ultimately prove profitable for hospitals and providers.

When hospitals and providers enhance their patients’ journey with support from technology, they see results: Patient engagement improves patient compliance, which in turn greatly improves patient outcomes. As the industry moves toward a values-based environment, patient satisfaction makes good financial sense.

In October 2012, the Affordable Care Act implemented a policy to withhold 1 percent of total Medicare reimbursements — about $850 million — from hospitals. The withholding will double to 2 percent for 2017. Hospitals and providers earn that money back each year through a measure of basic care standards and high patient satisfaction scores. Top performers receive bonus money from the pool.

Performance is measured by the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey, required of all U.S. hospitals by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Most of the 32-question survey addresses nursing care. However, the remaining questions focus on patient experience and satisfaction in other areas.

Now that patient experience directly affects revenue, the impact of these patient satisfaction scores cannot be overstated. Massachusetts General Hospital Nursing and Patient Care Services advises its employees: “The survey results are publicly reported on the internet for all to see — so results impact our reputation. The government will reimburse us on results — so, excellent survey performance keeps the hospital financially strong.” That is true for all healthcare organizations today.

Patient Versus Provider Perception

CDW conducted its own Healthcare Patient Engagement Perspectives Survey to gauge how patients and providers interact and identify which technologies may offer healthcare organizations greater return on their investment. Of those surveyed, 57 percent of patients said they became more engaged with their healthcare during the past two years by speaking to providers more frequently (63 percent) or accessing their healthcare information more often (59 percent).

Meanwhile, 70 percent of providers report that they have seen a change in their patients’ level of engagement. A majority (64 percent) of providers attribute the rise in patient engagement to technology advancements.

However, the survey revealed disagreement on how well providers are connecting with patients. Only 35 percent of patients believe their provider has improved engagement with them, while 60 percent of providers say improving patient engagement has been a top priority.

Engaging with healthcare providers continues to be a challenge for 65 percent of patients, but don’t assume it’s older patients expressing dissatisfaction. Patients in the 18- to 49-year-old age group are 19 percent more likely to say they face challenges when trying to engage with their healthcare provider than those 50 years or older.

The top challenges that patients report when trying to engage with providers include limited office hours (40 percent), slow response times (33 percent) and repetitive data entry requirements (23 percent). Dissatisfaction among younger patients may also be due to greater expectations in provider response times, 24/7 availability, user interface design or even data integration.

There is also some disagreement between patients and providers on the best way to communicate. Providers see more value in mobile applications, whereas most patients rate online chat applications higher. However, both groups see equal value in web-based access to general healthcare information and online patient portals.

Seventy-eight percent of patients want easier access to their personal health records. The greatest benefits patients saw to this access include being better informed about their medical information (48 percent), saving time (45 percent) and improving participation in their own healthcare management (41 percent). In fact, a majority of surveyed patients prefer access to more information than their providers typically give them, in order to take a more active role in their own healthcare. In response to that demand, 67 percent of providers are working on making personal healthcare records more informative and easier to access.

Despite efforts by many providers to improve communication, patients still see room for improvement. When communication with providers is strong and consistent, patients are more likely to comply with physician instructions, take an active role in their own healthcare and be happier with the results.

Download the free white paper, "Healthcare Technology and the Patient Journey" to learn more.
