Jul 11 2018

Ensuring the Security of Patient Data

Each year, healthcare organizations collect, store and share more patient data than they did the year before — the result of evolving bedside medical devices, clinician mobility tools and emerging Internet of Things use cases. More data means more potential jackpots for hackers, whose attack methods continue to evolve.

The cost of a data breach can be immense. Providers must alert patients and report the breach to the government, resulting in both a hit to the organization’s reputation and the potential for steep fines.

Cybersecurity initiatives are also costly for organizations.

Every dollar and hour spent on protecting data must come from some department’s budget. To keep patient data safe without bursting IT budgets, hospitals must implement solutions that are both effective and efficient.

The deployment of robust security solutions and services requires a thoughtful, multilayered strategy that addresses both local and remote patient environments while it also keeps up with the maturation of IT systems and cyberthreats.

To learn more download our white paper "Ensuring the Security of Patient Data."


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