Jan 05 2022
Digital Workspace

3 Questions to Ask When Re-Evaluating Healthcare’s Remote Work Strategies

For healthcare IT decision-makers, planning an organization’s flexible workforce future beyond the pandemic is essential.

During the pandemic, many employees in the healthcare industry continued working from home, proving the viability of location-independent performance. It’s now time for healthcare organizations to reflect and review lessons learned. Which changes have worked, and what improvements are needed?

For healthcare IT decision-makers, planning an organization’s flexible-workforce future beyond the pandemic is essential. Consider these three questions while re-evaluating remote work.

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How Secure Is Your Approach to Remote Work?

When conducting business off-premises, it’s essential that employees can access critical systems from afar, such as through VPNs, and mobile and web apps. Healthcare data is highly sensitive and protected under strict compliance guidelines. Preventing unwanted access via strong user authentication and authorization is key.

Today, hackers aim to steal information from compromised accounts. Causing systemic damage simply isn’t as profitable or practical. Have you adopted a zero-trust approach? Are employees trained to avoid social-engineering scams? Always strive to follow best practices.

How Effective Is Your Team Communication?

Digitalization has taken the healthcare world by storm. Strong integration between internal systems and tools are crucial to team communication, whether you’re managing projects, performing check-ins or simply chatting. Though telehealth innovations are topical, healthcare workers still need to collaborate effectively.

Are your team members communicating reliably? Are departments growing closer or more siloed? It may be beneficial to use training software, policy management software or other tools if traditional methods aren’t sufficient.

SECURING REMOTE WORK: What healthcare organizations need to know about SDPs.

How Has Remote Work Benefitted Healthcare Business?

Telecommuting is a potential money saver. Overhead is greatly reduced when office buildings are at low capacity, and it’s possible to downsize office space as roles become permanently remote.

Evaluate how your workspace has transformed throughout 2021. Have locations been abandoned for safety reasons? Are leases now cheaper? Has unused space been converted into extra revenue streams?

Don’t forget about recruiting. Work from home can be a valuable draw for prospective employees. Has remote work allowed your organization to attract globally distributed talent? Consider these factors in measuring remote work’s business impacts.

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