Mar 30 2018
Patient-Centered Care

Apple Launches EHR App with 39 Health Systems on Board

Just two months after its beta version was released, the tech giant has announced a full-scale launch.

With the aim to ease patient engagement with their own electronic health records, Apple announced its beta version of the EHR app in late January. Now, the tech giant is moving to launch its record-sharing app and expanding its pool of participating healthcare organizations from the original 12 U.S. health systems to 39.

"The updated Health Records section within the Health app helps consumers see medical information from various institutions organized into one view and receive notifications when their data is updated. This information can help patients better understand their health history, have informed conversations with physicians and family members, and make future decisions," Apple reports in a press release announcing the launch.

The records are encrypted to keep patient data secure. The app is currently available for iPhone through an iOS software update.


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