The Power of Cloud Analytics in a Clinical Setting

Healthcare organizations are turning to the cloud to manage the change and innovation necessary for operational efficiency.

The healthcare technology landscape is ever changing, and the business of pharmaceutical distribution is no exception.

The drive for operational efficiency that does not sacrifice patient care requires constant innovation, forcing technology and operations teams into a continuous state of change. To keep up, many healthcare organizations are turning to cloud platforms and services — specifically, cloud-based analytics tools.

These tools present many benefits to healthcare when implemented properly: cost savings, scalability, actionable data and improved patient care. In these and other ways, cloud-based analytics tools are transforming the industry. Here’s how:

MORE FROM HEALTHTECH: How to lay the groundwork for successful healthcare analytics projects.

Cloud Empowers Clinicians to Focus on Their Patients

Technology leaders must enable clinical and operational personnel to focus on what they do best: serving patients. Cloud platforms help make this possible by shifting the task of gathering data away from these individuals.

Solutions such as Power BI, Qlik and others allow for fast, iterative development. Analytics teams can quickly build prototypes with real data, secure feedback from users, make changes in near real time and redeploy. Thanks to this methodology, clinical and operational personnel receive a more complete solution at a faster rate.

Today’s users can grow quickly in proficiency, taking basic reports and augmenting them with new data fields or groupings as needed. Along with this, new users can be up and running in a matter of minutes with minimal training.

This nimble operating model leads to lower implementation costs, less risk, a faster return on investment and improved patient care.

Data Is Made Easily Consumable for End Users

Cloud-based analytics tools let end users view data in real time as summary dashboard visualizations and even drill down to the atomic data elements. 

The mass processing power of these analytics tools makes the manipulation of large data sets seamless to the user. This simplification allows data in the cloud to be easily consumable and actionable by staff at all levels, from front-line associates to executives.

For relatively savvy users, these tools open the door for more self-service capabilities, which help provide leverage for limited data analytics resources.

Analytics Tools Help Customers See the Organization’s Value

Any competitive market demands an organization be able to demonstrate its value to customers, and cloud-based analytics tools help healthcare organizations do just that.

By establishing a foundation built upon a core set of analytics, an organization’s data can be easily turned around to customers with secure, easy access to the cloud. Analytics teams can deploy static reporting as well as customizable templates that allow for self-service.

In addition to keeping customers informed, this reporting allows organizations to tell their story to customers in real time, with hard data. Ultimately, when these capabilities are properly deployed, they provide organizations with a competitive advantage in the marketplace.